How to Approach Vulnerability with Safety, Wholeness, and Sovereignty

We all know it can be tough to express our softer sides. What’s the missing key to experiencing the rewards of vulnerability?

Justin H. Lee
5 min readFeb 9, 2020
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Vulnerability can seem like a confusing concept or even at times a loaded word.

While at first blush, it elicits visions of rolling over, submitting, and being powerless, the process of revealing ourselves to others often leads to rich experiences of empowerment and connection when we know how to navigate them skillfully.

We all have a desire to express ourselves and be received. There is a tenderness that the softer sides of us almost desperately want others to see.

So what are we afraid of?

Many of us were taught or lead to believe that being vulnerable makes us weak, shameful, and ultimately not good enough.

It requires us to risk and show parts of ourselves to others that we are afraid they won’t like and often asks us to acknowledge aspects of ourselves that we ourselves don’t like or haven’t accepted.

The trick to this is what I call “Responsible Vulnerability,” or the ability and art of expressing our emotions while also being fully responsible for ourselves and…



Justin H. Lee

Human/Being • Expat in Asia • Connection Facilitator • Slightly Angsty • Writes on Mental Health, Relationship Dynamics, Man Stuff, and Heart-Forward Leadership